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The Tir na Nog Regenerative Programs are intended for adults who wish to recover from a medical condition, increase longevity and influence their cognitive and physical performance positively.

Each patient has a customized protocol. Your individual HBOT sessions will take approximately two hours per day, five days a week according to the length of your program.

According to your intake assessment and the result that you desire to get from your program, each patient will have a customized program from their needs.

It has been well documented that the anti-oxidant and protective role of HBOT is immediate and demonstrated within 24 hours of just one hyperbaric session. Further to this, the anti-inflammatory response is quite also very quick and a strong physiological response has been shown within 4 days of hyperbaric therapy. Many studies have reported HBOT to produce a strong pain relieving effect after just 5 to 10 sessions. HBOT’s effects on promoting new blood vessel formation (angiogenesis) can take place in just 10 to 20 sessions. From our data, here is a general summary:


1-5 sessions: Improve cellular energy and during this time tissue functioning may be

optimized. Those with residual carbon monoxide (ie smokers) or with mild anemia can show immediate benefits with cellular energy. Inflammatory markers can go down considerably and mark the beginning of a natural repair process.

5-10 sessions: Typically used for acute injuries with soft tissue damage, particularly if there is pain involved.

10-20 sessions: More serious acute injuries or chronic injuries

20-40 sessions: Commonly used for major tissue damages and when new tissue is required (through HBOT’s regenerative stem cell properties)

During pressurizing, your ears will feel full, similar to the feeling when traveling in the mountains or flying. To help relieve this, like clearing your ears when you’re on an airplane take a breath and blow it out gently through your nose while holding your mouth and nose closed. Swallowing, moving your jaw (chewing), and yawning also help. If you still have problems, tell our staff and the pressurization will be stopped until your ears are cleared.

As the air flows into the chamber, you will notice a hissing type of noise and an increase in air temperature. Once the prescribed pressure is reached, the air will be exchanged to cool the chamber to a comfortable temperature. This is called a “vent.” If you feel too warm, let our staff know.

During decompression, when the chamber’s pressure is slowly released at the end of treatment, you may notice a popping in your ears, along with some noise and a cooling temperature. You do not need to clear your ears at this time. Just relax and breathe normally.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is prescribed by a physician and performed under medical supervision. Although there are minor risks like all medical treatments, overall hyperbaric oxygen therapy is extremely safe. The risks will be discussed with you before you sign your consent form for therapy.

One of the key factors of HBOT is pressure and the greater the pressure, the greater the amount of dissolved oxygen goes into the body. During HBOT, the added pressure allows extra oxygen to be absorbed and transferred from the lungs into the blood, causing a greater saturation of blood oxygen levels. As this rich oxygenated blood makes its way to damaged tissue, extra oxygen is now readily available and can be utilized for enhancing tissue repair and regeneration while also still being able to provide its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial effects.

Our hyperbaric chambers have windows and constant ventilation, as well as a system of fast opening and closing valves that the patient can manipulate to leave in seconds when required. For this reason, claustrophobia is not considered a contraindication for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

The only discomfort that can be felt inside the hyperbaric chamber is the same one that is felt in the ears when an airplane takes off. In each session, the ears must be decompressed to avoid these discomforts during the compression and decompression process of the hyperbaric chamber, which only takes 5 minutes.

The longevity of your results varies from one individual to the next, and depends on the person’s individual biology, way of life, and compliance to the recommended program’s components during and following treatment (mainly nutrition and physical activity).

A team of highly qualified certified Hyperbaric Specialists will administer your treatment.

During Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), 100% oxygen is inhaled while in a room pressurized above 1.3 atmospheres absolute; while the air pressure in our normal environment is 1 atmosphere. During this process, the amount of oxygen that reaches the body’s tissues and organs increases 10-15-fold compared to breathing in a normal environment.

All medical grade chambers go over 2.0 ATA. In our medical chambers, most of our protocols are within the range of 2.0-2.4 ATA. The soft chamber goes to 1.3 for mild conditions such as performance enhancement.

Mild hyperbaric (mHBOT) is generally a pressure protocol up to 1.3 ATA or 4 psi. High-Pressure Hyperbarics involves pressure above 1.5 ATA. These pressures are achieved in a variety of chambers currently available on the market.

HBOT has been used safely for many years. Potential side effects are low-risk and relatively rare, these include:


  1. Visual refractive changes

HBOT treatments can temporarily change the shape of the eye’s lens as higher oxygenation affects all organs and tissues in the body. Temporarily, myopia (near-sightedness) may become worse, and presbyopia (the inability to focus on objects near the eye due to age-related changes) may improve.


  1. Barotrauma of the ear Discomfort to ears during the hyperbaric process.

Because the hyperbaric chamber is pressurized, patients particularly those who have difficulty equalizing the pressure in their ears – may experience mild ear discomfort (similar to when a plane is taking off or landing). This is temporary and resolves quickly after treatment. If discomfort persists, there is a risk of damage to the ears and sinuses. We assess and seek to reduce these risks as part of your comprehensive intake process. A qualified health provider is present at all times in the hyperbaric chamber, to monitor patient comfort and treatment reactions, and respond quickly to any challenges.

The prevalence of such potential side effects is rare due to our safety protocols and clinical staff. Because your safety is paramount, a nurse will accompany you at each step of your treatment journey.

You can expect a completely personalized experience in a safe and modern relaxing environment. You will benefit from the latest healing technologies, and engaged personalized service from a highly qualified and professional team.

Each program at Tir Na Nog is customized to your specific needs.  We guide our clients to achieve everlasting wellness through a healthy lifestyle. We help create habits to rebalance your body and your mind. Our programs also offer supportive exercises, enhanced nutrition protocols, detox therapy, and relaxation therapies to fulfill physical purification and optimize your healthspan.

According to where you live and what country covers the condition.

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Tír na nÓg Wellness Centre optimizes regeneration for enhanced total healthspan.